Dr. Rachna Budania
Qualification - MBBS, MS
Specialization - Gynecologist & Obstetrician
Experience - 31 Years
Location - Balaji Soni Hospital
Phone Number - 0141-3999555
About Dr. Rachna Budania
Dr. Rachana Budania is a senior Obstetrician & Gynecologist doctor with 52 years of age and around 30 years of experience. She has done her schooling from Indore (M.P.). She was always merit / scholarship holder during academics and has completed her MBBS in 1989 from renowned Mahtma Gandhi Memorial Medical Govt. College, Indore. She cleared her Masters in (Obs. & Gyne.) in 1992 from MGM Medical College with flying colors. She has submitted her thesis on evaluation of Partogram in labor since that time her passion got developed for high risk obstetrics, complicated labor & critical care in obstetrics.
With the field of interest in ‘High Risk Pregnancy’, she is working for mother & child health care since 1989, giving antenatal care to thousands of mothers, conducted around 10,000 deliveries till now. She has done hundreds of caesarean operations, complicated laparotomies, abdominal and vaginal hysterectomies, and NDVH. She has completed her training in Gyne. Endoscopy & doing diagnostic and operative laparoscopies along with hysteroscopy. She helped hundreds of women to conceive & enjoy their motherhood. Since last 29 years she is practicing (Obs. & Gyne.) as clinicians and surgeon, Her humble and caring attitude is another feather in her crown.
She is always keen to learn newer modalities, attended numerous conferences as delegates and faculty. She is life member of FOGSI since 1992 & presented papers on II trimester abortions & other topics in national conferences. She is exploring her skills at Balaji Soni Hospital, Bagru and benefiting females of this area.
Since 1992 she owned a highly renowned Private Nursing Home in Jhunjhunu. She worked as pioneer in Private Nursing Home there & dealt with difficult, complicated, challenging obstetrics since 1993 all alone in peripheral areas of Shekhawati. She successfully ran Govt. approved MTP Centre, Sonography Center, Cancer detection Centre, DUB clinic under name of ‘Adhik Mahvaari Nidan Kendra’ & proud owner of UBT machine, THERMA CHOICE, Infertility Centre and with IUI facility. She was running the show single handed till 2010. She added extra colors to her administrative & management skills and has reached new dimension to her professional skills by dealing with nursing staff, non-medical staff, and employees. Since 2010 she is practicing in Jaipur city & worked at Sevayatan Hospital as DNB faculty & participated in all academic seminars & conferences. She worked in NRHM at Jamava Ramgardh CHC as consultant Gynecologist in 2011. & praised by state Government as only CHC in Rajasthan, where along with caesarean, laparotomies, vaginal hysterectomies were done by her. Since 2010 she was visiting Consultant at Tilak Hospital, Cacoon Hospital and Sevayatan Hospital. She joined our family of doctors in 2017 and has made us proud with many successful cases.