Radiology Services
The Department of Radiology provides diagnostic radiology services for all outpatients and inpatients. Radiology department is manned by competent and qualified doctors & personnel 24 hours a day. The Department welcomes physician inquiries, which should be directed to the specific imaging division or the department chair.
The radiology department is equipped with Hi-Tech equipments using latest technology like conventional and digital x-ray machines, ultrasonography, CT scan & MRI. On an average 1500 Patients visit our center every day and we perform around 700 Scans for both CT & MRI out of which 30% of them are benefited with our free services. Out of this, the bulk of the work comprises of routine radiological examination of chest, abdomen, spine and extremities, abdominal ultrasonography, antenatal Sonography for abnormalities in developing babies, ovulation monitoring, pediatric and Neonatal Sonography, Neuro-Sonography, Mammo-Sonography, musculoskeletal Sonography, Transvaginal and Transrectal Sonography, Sonography of small parts such as Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Scrotum. Doppler Sonography for abdomen, pregnancy, carotid and peripheral vascular diseases, transplant kidney and impotency are performed routinely.
The procedures done under fluoroscopy control include barium investigations for the gastrointestinal tract, hysterosalpingograms for the female genital tract and a number of procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention for hepatobiliary system. The department also does urological investigations such as intravenous urogram and micturating cystourethrogram. Portable radiography units are kept on each floor of the hospital ward block for patients who are too sick to come to the main department.
Facilities at a glance
- 3D CT Scan
- Bone Mineral Density Test (BMD)
- Bedside X-ray-60MA Unidor (Portable)
- Digital X-Ray CR by AGFA, Fuji, Siemens
- Ultrasound-Sonoline G-50 Siemens (2 machines)
- Multi slice CT scan-Somatom –Emotion-Spiral CT Siemens
- MRI- 1.5 Tesla Avantom Series with flow study capabilities
- 500MA Heliphos-Siemens and 160MA Siemens Color Doppler
- Specialization in Mandible & TM joint CT Scan
- Mammography Test for Breast Cancer
- Multi-Trial Scan for cancer patients
- CT Guided Biopsy and FNAC
- Invasive Procedure like aspiration of liver abscess, CVS, amniocentesis, fetal reduction, cordocentesis under sonographic guidance
- Services for Sonographic guidance for In Vitro Fertilization procedures in the IVF operation theatre, surgical and gynecological procedures in other operation theatres & portable bedside ultrasonography.