Soni Education

Soni Nursing College
About Us
Soni Nursing College is one of the most prestigious nursing educational institute of Rajasthan. Soni Group of Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. founded Soni Nursing School in year 2003. With the vision of promoting Healthcare Education, Chairman Dr. B. R. Soni started Soni Nursing College in which Basic B.Sc. Nursing course was started in session 2011. Later the level was upgraded and has started Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing and M. Sc. Nursing course in session 2012. With a vision to cater for the galloping demand of clinically trained and academically enriched qualified nurses in the state, the institution’s expansion reached to a next level. We are affiliated with Govt. of Rajasthan, Medical and Health department Group 3rd, Rajasthan Nursing Council, Rajasthan University of Health Sciences and Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi.
We took up the initiative to establish Soni Nursing College to impart graduate and post graduate level of nursing education such as GNM, Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing etc. We prepare our students to assume responsibility and provide effective nursing care and education at all levels of healthcare needs. Our institute has experienced faculties and follow curriculum as per Indian Nursing Council. We have Sr. professors whose experience is around 6 - 8 years and are well known in this field. We have associate professors & lecturers who have versatile experience of 3 to 6 years in their respective subjects. We have collaborated with the biggest doctors in India to visit our institutions as guest faculty and mentor our students.
"Education is the biggest service to humanity" & as this saying goes we believe that we can march ahead to prosperity, only when we have a strong foundation of education. Our teaching faculties’ use latest teaching equipments like LCD projectors, slide projectors and Audio-visual smart classes. Soni Nursing College has good track record of success stories. Every year we achieve above 90% result which is higher than any other institution in Rajasthan. We have matured more than 19 batches and our trained students are getting 100% Placement in famous hospitals like Fortis, Narayana, Durlabji, Manipal Hospital including Soni Hospital. On an average 80 - 90 students get job placement every year in these hospitals.
We do recognize our responsibility to the society for the continued development of the students as good citizens. We also believe that students have to be well oriented towards the concept of quality of nursing, Professional improvement, significant enquiry, communication skills and individual development. We believe nursing profession will attribute towards the development of responsible citizens of our country and across the globe. Soni group’s focus on nursing is also visible in our logo which emphasizes the importance of ‘Nurse’ to Soni group. Our logo shows not only the Nurse but also focuses on how a nurse drives healthcare in this global world.
- Apply knowledge in all senses in providing nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
- Demonstrate understanding of life style and other factors, which affect health of individuals and groups.
- Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the individual and groups.
- Demonstrate critical thinking skill and making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
- Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
- Provide preventive and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and programmes.
- Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical/community health settings.
- Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to improve the quality of care.
- Demonstrate awareness, interest, and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession.
- Practice within the framework of code of ethics and professional conduct, and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
- Communicate effectively with individuals and in groups of healthcare team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationship and teamwork.
Soni Hospital Pvt. Ltd. has a huge campus for Soni Nursing College at SPL – 229, RIICO Industrial area, Bagru, Jaipur. Soni Nursing College fulfills all requirements listed for the college of nursing laid down by Indian Nursing Council (Delhi), Rajasthan Nursing Council, Rajasthan & University Health Sciences (Jaipur). The teaching block of college has constructed area of around 36000 Sq. Ft. & two separate hostels with 40000 Sq. Ft. area for girls and boys hostels.
Nursing college has independent entry from its parent institute Balaji Soni Hospital having adequate space to meet the learning need of our students. Adjacent to the college, we have two separate hostels where staff, graduate students and diploma students are accommodated. The institute has all facilities and amenities in an architecturally constructed and well-designed campus; integrated with extensive use of natural light & ventilation for our students. The design of the building gives a feeling of warmth & homely familiarity. The institute building is fully air cooled which provides good learning atmosphere to all the students & staff. The details of facilities such as classrooms, library, laboratories, auditorium and examination hall etc. and all necessary equipment available for training are as follows:
Classroom: Facility comprises 4 classrooms for B.Sc. Nursing, 4 classrooms for G.N.M., 2 classrooms for Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing and for M.Sc. Nursing. We have 5 specialty wise classrooms & two common rooms to accommodate M.Sc. 1st year & 2nd Year students.
Laboratories: There is always need of practical training to all levels in nursing. We have kept 7 different laboratories to fulfill needs of efficient demonstration as well as clinical training. Nursing Foundation Lab, Pre-clinical science lab, Nutrition Lab, A.V. Aid Lab, Computer Lab, Community Health Nursing Lab, Maternity and Child Health Lab and Advanced Nursing Lab are few of our salient features. All labs have adequate number of mannequins, needed articles, beds and other equipments needed for teaching and learning process.
Course Details
Sr. # | Courses | |
1 | B.Sc. Nursing | Read More |
2 | Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing | Read More |
3 | M.Sc. Nursing | Read More |
4 | General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) | Read More |
The physical layout accommodates numerous learning areas according to the need of the students. The labs consist of more than 100 hospital beds holding regular patient & mannequins. Patients with movable limbs and replaceable parts, are recipients of a variety of nursing interventions like Repositioning, Injections, Intravenous Catheters, Nasogastric Tubes, Foleys Catheters, Wound Care, and Oxygenation Therapy. The uniqueness of the Lab is that it combines the atmosphere of the hospital environment with sophisticated learning technology.
Maternal and Child Health Lab
Maternal and Child Health Lab is designed to demonstrate and provide hands on practice regarding antenatal, intranatal and postnatal procedures. We teach and perform various practices and procedures related to new born care and child health. The uniqueness of the Lab is that it combines the atmosphere of the hospital environment with sophisticated learning technology. It is instrumental for ensuring the success of all our nursing students as they progress throughout their baccalaureate program.
Community Health Nursing Lab
Community Health Nursing Lab helps students to learn simulation based preventive and curative health services which are applicable in rural and urban community areas.
Nutrition Lab
Nutrition lab is well equipped for Teaching as well as hands on practice of planning and preparation of therapeutic diet.
Computer Lab
Students acquire basic as well as advanced computer skills using computer lab.
Class Room
All classrooms and lecture theatres are equipped with modern teaching aids and are provided with comfort and conductive environment for learning and assimilation.
Audio visual aids lab is equipped with standard models, charts and mannequins which aids teachers in provision of effective teachings.
The main offices consists of:
- Lecturer Office
- Principal office
- Teaching staff room
- Professor/Associate professor
- Managing director chamber
- Administrative offices
- Vice-Principal Office
- Record room
- Store room
- Canteen
- Hostel

Soni Paramedical Institute(SONI)
About Us
Paramedical Science is the science that deals with pre-hospital emergency services. A person working in this field is called a Paramedic. The major work areas in the paramedical science are obstetrics, fracture management, spinal injury management, and general incident scene and so on.
With an increase in demand for skilled paramedics, various career opportunities have opened for young aspirants. Many paramedical institutes in India are offering courses in this field at the undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma levels.
Soni Paramedical Institute is the first institute in Rajasthan offering Paramedical Science courses. This institution was founded in Dec – 2015 under the supervision of Soni Group of Hospitals by Principal Dr. Anju Soni & Secretary Mr. Mohit Soni. The ultimate aim of the institution is to prepare the admitted students into a highly skilled human resource in the area of medical teaching, research and health technology that not only get good employment but could in turn contribute in creation and enhancement of such a work force in the future.
The institute is affiliated with Rajasthan Paramedical Council, Govt. of Rajasthan to conduct paramedical courses. We have shown 100% successful results last year and this year also tremendous results are expected. Like always, we never compromise on our quality of education and to maintain the same, we have hired trained and incredible faculties to shape the future of each and every aspirant. All teaching faculties’ uses latest teaching equipment like LCD projectors, slide projectors and Audio-visual smart classes.
In our very first year, we have shown 100% result which indicates that we have the right team and are heading towards the right direction. Our results are higher than our expectation and any other institution in Rajasthan. We have tie-ups with all famous Hospitals like Fortis, Narayana, Durlabji, Manipal Hospital including Soni Hospital and our trained students are seeking 100% Placement in these hospitals. Our training modules are of 2 Years which comprises six months practical training each year.
Apart of Diploma courses in Radiation / OT / Medical Laboratory, we also focus on providing Extra Skills to be competent in the industry (English Speaking Classes, Computer Training,Presentations by the students are few of the skills we inculcate in our students. We provide skilled practical training on Modern machine and give placement in our own hospitals and labs to secure our students future and also provide scholarship as per Govt. norms to encourage education.
- Apply knowledge from physical, biological, and behavioural sciences, medicine including alternative systems and nursing in providing nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
- Demonstrate understanding of life style and other factors, which affect health of individuals and groups.
- Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the individual and groups.
- Demonstrate critical thinking skill and making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
- Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
- Provide preventive and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and programmes.
- Practice within the framework of code of ethics and professional conduct, and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
- Communicate effectively with individuals and groups, and members of the health team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationship and teamwork.
- Demonstrate skills in teaching to individuals and groups in clinical / community health settings.
- Participate effectively as members of the health team in healthcare delivery system.
- Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical/community health settings.
- Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to improve the quality of care.
- Demonstrate awareness, interest, and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession.
Our Hi-Class infrastructure is well equipped with modern facilities where we train around 100 students every year. Facilities like Library, Air-Cooled Class Rooms, Play Ground, Modern Sports Kit Cafeteria, Common Rooms for Boys and Girls are our salient features. We have both Medical & Radiological Labs with modern equipment like Auto analyzer, Elisa test, 3 Tesla MRI 128, Slice CT Scan, Multi reader CR, Fully DR and O.T. equipment.
Course Details
Sr. # | Courses | |
1 | Diploma in Radiation Technology | Read More |
2 | Diploma in Operation Theater Technology | Read More |
3 | Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology | Read More |

Skill Oriented National Institute(S.O.N.I.)
About Us
Paramedical and Skill Enhancement programs are highly considered programs that provide job opportunities to unemployed youth of the country. These candidates contribute to health and well-being of individual and society by attaining required skills.
‘Skill Enhancement’comprises specialized skillset and application of knowledge in helping individuals and groups to smoothen Physical, Mental and Social activities based on education that has both theoretical and practical mechanisms. Scope of skilled labor is getting wider day by day nationally and globally according to changing health needs of the society.Roles of skilled people embrace a wide range of activities like substantial contribution in Education, Advance practice, Research and Management. A Skilled person requires both theoretical and practical competencies in order to perform these roles and functions efficiently. That is where Skill Oriented National Institute (S.O.N.I.) plays an important role to inculcate required skills be compatible with healthcare industry and other organizations.
"Skill Oriented National Institute (S.O.N.I.)" was established in July 2017 by Director Mrs. Prerna Malhotra Soni who attained her Degree from Australia and decided to replicate her skills in students to manage various nursing program under one roof in Bagru, Jaipur, Rajasthan. It has affiliation and accreditation with Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC). Rajasthan is the first State in India to establish a Mission on Livelihoods. In order to address the challenges of unemployment and ensuring gainful and sustainable employment to the youth of the state, this Corporation was formed and they deployed their Skill Centers across Rajasthan. We also have accreditation with Higher School Secondary Certificate (HSSC) and are also certified as American Heart Association (AHA) training site.The American Heart Association is a non-profit organization in the United States that fosters appropriate cardiac care in an effort to reduce disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke.
It is being managed by Soni Group of Hospitals which is committed to build a sound, efficient and productive academic institution for quality education in the sector of healthcare. In just a short period of establishment, we have matured 4 batches of GDA course and 2 new batches are undergoing the same. Our experienced faculties have successfully completed Training of Trainers (TOT) for GDA. Our audio visual classrooms are well equipped for theoretical and practical assignments. We also provide hands-on experience through On Job Trainings (OJTs) to our students.
Our Hi-Class IT Labs and classrooms are stretched to 1000 Sq. Ft. with proper light and ambiance to focus and concentrate towards goal. Our Dedication and Vision is proved with 100% result in all the batches. Our students are made industry ready by not only imparting domain knowledge but also equipped with Spoken English, Hindi / English Typing, Email Drafting, online processing and usage of hospital management skills. Such skills and their interpersonal abilities helped us to provide 100% placement rate in all 4 batches.This institute is committed for the development of competent human resource in the field of Nursing & Health.
Mission Statement
The mission at Skill Oriented National Institute (S.O.N.I.) is to reinforce skilled human resource development of India by producing competent middle level health manpower equipped with adequateskillset required to manage broad areas of health. Our faculties are devoted to provide high quality paramedical education that prepares unemployed youth to meet health needs and improve the quality of life of people worldwide. In our quest for professional leadership, we value integrity, social justice, and social responsibility.
- Prepare the students with holistic knowledge and skills in the field of nursing through excellent teaching who can serve to the culturally diverse society.
- Develop the practical skill of the students through sufficient learning experience in the related field.
- Enrich the capability of students through the application of advance information technology.
- Develop the leadership capabilities of students through excellent theoretical and practical learning experience (On Job Training) and ability to enhance the quality of service delivery in the sector of health.
Course Details
Sr. # | Courses | |
1 | Basic English | Read More |
2 | Computer Skills | Read More |
3 | General Duty Assistant | Read More |
4 | Medical Laboratory Technician | Read More |
5 | Pharmacy Assistant | Read More |