Diagnostic Hospital

Best Diagnostic hospital in Jaipur
Early diagnosis of a problem can help the patients in terms of a faster and timely recovery. Get yourself diagnosed at Soni Hospital which is the Best Diagnostic hospital in Jaipur. Diagnosis is referred to as the process that assists in the identification of any medical condition, disorder or disease through systematic analysis of the background and history of the patient’s disease. Thus, a proper examination is made of the patients’ health based on the signs and symptoms from which they suffer. Moreover, the evaluation and investigation of the results of the diagnostic tests reveal the probable causes for the occurrence of the disease and thus, the treatment can be provided accordingly.
Our doctors and specialists consider diagnosis an important part of the healthcare system as it has useful implications for patient care. It has been observed that if the diagnosis is accurate and is undertaken on time, both the doctor and the patient can expect positive health outcomes. Moreover, clinical decision making can be tailored to support a correct understanding of the health problem of the patient. In addition to this, the diagnosis of a problem is a complex collaborative and patient-centered activity that involves gathering information to determine the patient’s health problems.
Best Diagnostic hospital in Jaipur: Correct diagnosis can help you cure your problems
At Soni Hospital, the diagnosis is understood as a cyclical process that includes activities like collection of patient’s information and data, integration and interpretation of the information and thereafter forming a working diagnosis of the patients’ problems. The diagnosis of stroke takes place at the Best Diagnostic hospital in Jaipur with the help of the following methods:
Stroke diagnosis
The brain stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is reduced or is completely stopped. Thus, there can be potential damage to the brain cells as the brain and its parts are not able to receive enough oxygen. For diagnosing the problem, our doctors will ask you about some of the common symptoms and conditions that are responsible for the occurrence of strokes such as seizures, low blood sugar, heart problems, and migraine. Moreover, blood tests and imaging tests like MRI and CT scans are also performed by our specialists to diagnose ischemic stroke that is one of the most widely found forms of brain stroke. The other tests that are conducted by our doctors for brain stroke are Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), Echocardiography, cerebral angiography, and carotid ultrasound. A detailed description of these diagnosis methods is as follows:
Computed Tomography (CT): The CT scan reports are combined with specialized x-ray equipment which can produce multiple images of the brain or other parts with the help of sophisticated computers. The CT scans of the brain are useful in detecting and diagnosing brain stroke.
MRI: The powerful magnetic field and radiofrequency pulses help develop detailed pictures of the bone, soft tissues and organs on the computer along with other internal body structures. One of the major diagnosis methods, the MRI is used by the physicians for assessing the damage due to a brain stroke.
Electrocardiogram: The ECG as it is commonly known as, is used for checking the electrical activity of the heart and thus, determines whether the heart problems are responsible for the occurrence of stroke. The different methods adopted by the Best Diagnostic hospital in Jaipur enable our doctors to correctly identify and diagnose problems like brain stroke. As a result, the patients can receive the necessary post-stroke rehabilitation that is necessary for overcoming the disabilities that occur as a result of the stroke. Thus, the correct diagnosis of the problem can enhance your recovery chances manifold.